As a classic, 1984 was always going to be on my reading list. So many people reccommend it, and now I can finally see why. The themes and ideas presented in this book make you think. This is a quality in a book that I value very highly.
Winston Smith is an average man. He works, eats and sleeps like any other person. But Winston works for the Ministry of Truth, he is a member of The Outer Party. To some he is privaleged but to him his life is mediocre and has no meaning. Winston hates The Party, and wants to destroy it, but this is thoughtcrime, punishable by death.
This is the story of the individual struggle against the oppressive dictatorship of Oceania.
Nineteen Eighty-Four is a true dystopian It is often said to be one of the first that truly captured the atmosphere of perpetual war and the ideas of what is reality and what is only in the mind, and how the mind can trick itself if you will it to.
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There are various themes, all of which are some important themes to deal with even in the most ideal life and world: Futility of war, individuality, oppression, death, life, the different natures of love, the workings of the mind and so on.
I was not sure what to make of Winston, nor in fact any of the characters. In fact there was only one person in the whole book who I felt something for, the rest of them I felt sorry for because if their experiences, not because I was attached to them in any way. The person I felt something for was Winstons mother, who may have laid down her life and her daughters' life in order for her older son to live.
I found 1984 quite difficult to read, most especially when Winston is reading The Book. This is a similar experience to how I felt when reading 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' by Oscar Wilde. I suppose this is probably because they are both classics, and also because it is, in my opinion, a very long winded and complex piece of writing in some areas. Although I enjoyed both books immensely, their themes and stories being wonderful, this is something which puts me off a book.
Although towards the end Winstons struggle with how he views society is very interesting, I was slightly disappointed in the ending of the book. As although itthe reader always knows in their hearts how it will end, I couldn't help but feel that there should have been more explosive than it was. It was a bit tame for my liking.
I am giving 1984 three out of five stars, because, although it is good story with interesting themes, it was not to my taste in terms of the ongoing war and complex writing at some points.
1984 on Wikipedia
1984 on GoodReads, if you would like a second opinion.
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